Wonford Methodist Church
'Christians at the Heart of Wonford'
The Church is open for Sunday services at 10.00 am. Please come along if you can. We will continue to live-stream the Sunday morning service on YouTube.
The Methodist Church provides online worship resources - click here
Thank you for visiting the Wonford Methodist Church website.
Whether you've had faith for years, have recently discovered God, or wrestle with doubts and questions, you can be sure of a warm welcome at Wonford Methodist Church. We are a Christian worshipping community of all ages and backgrounds, meeting in the heart of Wonford. We seek to serve God, develop a closer relationship with Jesus, support one another on the journey of faith, and engage with the community around us.
Our main gathering is Sunday mornings at 10 am for worship, followed by fellowship over tea and coffee. Our worship is a blend of creative, contemporary, and traditional styles that seeks to encourage and challenge us as we grow in faith. There are activities and teaching for children and young people during morning worship as part of the Young Church.
Our morning worship is complemented by a varied programme of evening worship; with other services at 6.30 pm including Prayer & Praise, Cafe Church, and Film Services as well as more traditional services.
We also run ‘Wonford Welcome’ a Saturday morning drop-in that is open from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm with free tea, coffee, and biscuits. Hot food is served from 12pm. Everyone is welcome to come along for a friendly chat and free activities such as board games and quizzes.
During the week we host a variety of activities - some aimed at nurturing faith, such as a number of house groups and Bible Studies, some at providing hospitality, support, or learning opportunities for young and old alike (e.g. Roundabout Cafe and Friday Toddlers Group for the young). Further details of when these activities take place can be found under “Weekly Activities”.
For more information about what is currently happening in the life of Wonford Methodist Church, you can download our latest monthly newsletter.